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Information and key figures

Ypäjä has an original beauty. The variability of the landscape is based on the location between the Tammela plateau and the Loimaa clay area. The Loimijoki River flows westwards through the municipality. There are wide openings stretching from the banks of the river, which are split by wooded ridges. The pastures of “The Finnish Horse Keeper” with their plants and animals belong to nationally significant traditional landscapes. Ypäjä is a natural and cozy commune with beautiful riverside scenery that invites you to live and practice. It is a pleasure to live in Ylä.

Below basic information, see Statistics Finland’s website for details.

Area of ​​about 183 km²
Arable land 48%
Forest 47%
Other 4%
Water area 1%

Population at the end of 2017: 2372

Business structure (approximately):
Services 62%
Primary production 21%
Processing 15%
Other 2%

Municipal Council 2017-2021 Power Ratios:
Mid 9, Kok 6, SDP 3, Vihr 2 and Vas 1 (total 21 delegates)